AWS AppFlow Changes the Game

Dipak Makhija
2 min readMay 11, 2020


AWS really changes the way we build applications practically every minute by launching new services. These services help one to simplify the architecture so time to market can be drastically reduced.

AWS recently released AppFlow service which allows bi-directional information flow from AWS to SaaS based systems like Salesforce. This is such a big relief for systems which are living in AWS eco-system & wants to fetch or push information from/to Salesforce. Before this service the easier alternative was to use 3rd party connectors available in integration softwares like #Workato #Mulesoft

AppFlow provides the connector which you can just configure in few seconds & have data transformation & filtering capability baked in by default.

Recently I have been working on a similar requirement & pulled in following architecture.

S3 to Salesforce using AppFlow

Above architecture diagram shows the usecase where file comes to S3 bucket which in-turn triggers Lambda, which does some data enrichment & pushes Salesforce related data to S3 bucket, while other application consumable information go to DynamoDB. Applications calls a microservice which pulls data from DynamoDB & it is proxied behind an API Gateway.

Earlier you would have to rely on Integration software to orchestrate the flow to Salesforce & maintaining the headache of correlation-id’s, log consolidation to Splunk.

I will push the code to github & update the article with link, until then enjoy the new service :).



Dipak Makhija

An enterprise architect for whom technology is like Oxygen, the more the better :P